
6 Reasons To Try Circadian Rhythm Fasting

Circadian fasting is an alternative approach to eating healthy that has become a lifestyle for many. Learn how to improve overall health and well-being by aligning eating patterns with the body’s natural circadian rhythm.

By Simran
25 Mar 2023

Eating habits are constantly changing, with new diets and foods being introduced almost on a daily basis. Amidst this, a new type of diet has come into the spotlight: circadian fasting. Unlike intermittent fasting, circadian fasting is not just about restricting your calorie intake; it is more about aligning your eating patterns with your natural circadian rhythm.


What Is The Circadian Rhythm?

Circadian rhythm refers to the 24-hour biological clock that regulates various physiological processes in our body, including sleep, metabolism, and hormone production. Our body has an internal clock that is controlled by the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) in the brain. This clock is responsible for regulating our sleep-wake cycle, as well as other bodily functions that are essential for maintaining overall health.


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Circadian fasting, also known as time-restricted eating, is a dietary approach that involves limiting food intake to a specific window of time each day, usually between 8 and 12 hours. The goal of this approach is to align food intake with the body’s natural circadian rhythm, as it is thought to improve metabolism and overall health.


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The idea behind circadian fasting is that our bodies are designed to function optimally when we eat during the day and rest and repair at night. By restricting food intake to a specific window of time, we can ensure that our bodies have enough time to digest and metabolise food, and also allow for the natural repair processes that occur during sleep.


How Does Circadian Rhythm Affect Our Eating Habits?

The body’s circadian rhythm and eating patterns are interconnected. Our circadian rhythm, or internal biological clock, plays a significant role in regulating our eating habits.

One of the key ways in which circadian rhythm affects our eating habits is by regulating hunger and satiety. Our body naturally releases hormones that control hunger and fullness levels throughout the day, with peaks and valleys corresponding to our circadian rhythm. For example, the hormone ghrelin, which stimulates hunger, tends to be highest in the morning and lowest in the evening, while the hormone leptin, which signals fullness, is highest in the evening and lowest in the morning.


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Additionally, a 2012 study published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation has shown that our body's ability to digest and process food is also influenced by our circadian rhythm. It also regulates the expression of certain genes involved in lipid metabolism and glucose regulation and how efficiently our body processes nutrients.

Therefore, our circadian rhythm has a powerful impact on our eating habits, influencing when we feel hungry, how much we eat, and how efficiently our body processes food. Maintaining a regular sleep-wake cycle and eating schedule can help support a healthy circadian rhythm and promote optimal digestion and metabolism.


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Benefits of Circadian Fasting

A 2018 study published in the International Journal of Obesity found that time-restricted feeding in humans improved body composition and reduced the risk of metabolic syndrome. Let us explore the benefits of circadian fasting, backed by research and statistics.


Improved Metabolic Health

Metabolic health refers to how well our bodies regulate blood sugar levels, cholesterol levels, and other markers of overall health. Studies have shown that circadian fasting can improve metabolic health by reducing insulin resistance and inflammation. A 2020 study published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics found that circadian fasting was associated with a lower risk of developing metabolic syndrome in women. Another 2018 study published in the journal Nutrition and Healthy Aging found that circadian fasting improved insulin sensitivity and reduced blood sugar levels in overweight and obese adults.


Weight Loss

Weight loss is a common goal for many people, and circadian fasting may be a helpful tool for achieving this. A 2017 study published in the journal Nutrition and Healthy Aging found that time-restricted feeding (TRF) was effective for weight loss in overweight and obese adults. The study found that TRF reduced body weight, body fat, and waist circumference. This may be due to the fact that fasting restricts calorie intake, which can lead to a calorie deficit and, ultimately, weight loss.


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Improved Cognitive Function

Circadian fasting has also been shown to have benefits for brain health and cognitive function. A study published in the journal Appetite in 2019 found that circadian fasting improved cognitive performance among healthy adults. Another 2020 study published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry found that circadian fasting improved cognitive function in mice with Alzheimer's disease. This is possibly due to the increased production of a protein called brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). BDNF is known to play a role in the growth and maintenance of neurons in the brain.


Better Digestion

A 2019 study published in the journal Nutrients found that time-restricted feeding (TRF) improved gut health in mice. The study found that TRF increased the abundance of beneficial gut bacteria and reduced inflammation in the gut.


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Improved Sleep Quality

A 2019 study published in the journal Cell Metabolism found that time-restricted feeding (TRF) improved sleep quality in humans. The study found that TRF increased the time spent in deep sleep and improved sleep efficiency.


Reduced Risk of Chronic Diseases

Chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer are major health concerns worldwide. Circadian fasting may help reduce the risk of these diseases by improving metabolic health and reducing inflammation. A 2018 study published in the journal Cell Metabolism found that circadian fasting improved metabolic health and reduced the risk of chronic diseases in mice.


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Getting Started With Circadian Fasting

If you're interested in getting started with circadian fasting, here are some tips to help you get started:

1.Understand The Basics: Circadian fasting involves restricting your food intake to specific hours of the day, typically within a 12-hour window, i.e. during natural daylight hours. This eating pattern is believed to align with your body's natural circadian rhythm, which can help to regulate your metabolism, hormones, and other bodily functions.

2. Choose Your Eating Window: Circadian rhythm fasting involves scheduling all of your meals within natural daylight hours and not eating from sunset to sunrise. That is why it is also called the “sun cycle diet”. The goal is to align your eating schedule with your body's natural rhythms, which are influenced by factors such as daylight and activity levels.

3. Plan Your Meals: To ensure you're getting enough nutrients during your eating window, it's important to plan your meals ahead of time. Focus on eating whole, nutrient-dense foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Avoid processed foods, sugary drinks, and high-calorie snacks.

4. Stay Hydrated: During your fasting period, it's important to stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water, herbal teas, and other non-caloric beverages to help curb hunger and keep you feeling energised.

5. Start Slowly: If you're new to circadian fasting, it's a good idea to start slowly and gradually increase the length of your fasting period over time. Begin with a 12-hour window and work your way up to longer periods, such as 14 or 16 hours, as you become more comfortable with the process.

6. Listen To Your Body: It's important to listen to your body during the fasting process. If you feel overly hungry or fatigued, it may be a sign that you need to adjust your eating window or the types of foods you're consuming. If you have any underlying health conditions or concerns, it's always a good idea to speak with your healthcare provider before starting any new diet or fasting regimen.


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Foods To Eat During Circadian Fasting

  • Whole Foods: Focus on whole foods that are nutrient-dense and high in fibre. Examples include fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds.
  • Lean Proteins: Incorporate lean proteins such as fish, poultry, and legumes, which can help keep you full and satisfied.
  • Healthy Fats: Add healthy fats such as avocado, olive oil, and nuts, which can help keep your brain and body functioning optimally.
  • Low-Calorie Beverages: Stay hydrated with low-calorie beverages such as water, tea, and black coffee, which can help curb hunger and keep you energised.


Foods To Avoid During Circadian Fasting

  • Processed Foods: Avoid processed foods such as chips, candy, and fast food, which are typically high in calories and low in nutrients.
  • Sugary Drinks: Stay away from sugary drinks such as soda and juice, which can spike your blood sugar levels and cause cravings.
  • Alcohol: Limit your alcohol consumption, as it can interfere with your circadian rhythm and disrupt your sleep.
  • Heavy Meals: Avoid heavy meals, especially during the fasting period, as they can make you feel lethargic and interfere with digestion.


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How Is Circadian Fasting Different From Intermittent Fasting

Circadian fasting typically involves eating during an 8-12 hour window during the day, followed by a period of fasting for the remaining 12-16 hours. The goal is to align your eating schedule with your body's natural rhythms, which are influenced by factors such as daylight and activity levels. The idea behind circadian fasting is that by eating during the times when your body is naturally primed to digest food, you can optimise your metabolism and promote overall health.

Intermittent fasting, on the other hand, involves alternating periods of eating and fasting on a daily basis. There are several approaches to intermittent fasting, including the 16/8 method, which involves an 8-hour eating window followed by a 16-hour fast, and the 5:2 method, which involves eating normally for five days of the week and limiting calories to 500-600 on two non-consecutive days.


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Differences Between Circadian Fasting And Intermittent Fasting

While both circadian fasting and intermittent fasting involve periods of eating and fasting, there are some key differences between the two approaches.

Timing of Eating Window: The primary difference between circadian fasting and intermittent fasting is the timing of the eating window. Circadian fasting involves eating during specific times of the day that align with your body's natural rhythms, whereas intermittent fasting involves alternating periods of eating and fasting on a daily basis.

Length of Fasting Period: Circadian fasting typically involves a fasting period of 12-16 hours, while intermittent fasting can involve fasting periods of up to 24 hours.

Frequency: Circadian fasting is typically practised on a daily basis, whereas intermittent fasting can be practised on a daily or weekly basis.

Flexibility: Circadian fasting is ‌more flexible than intermittent fasting, as it allows for a wider range of eating windows. Intermittent fasting can be more rigid, as it often involves strict rules around the length and timing of the fasting period.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the ideal eating window for circadian fasting?

A: The ideal eating window for circadian fasting can vary depending on your individual circadian rhythm and lifestyle. However, most experts recommend a 12-hour eating window, with the first meal of the day being consumed within two hours of waking up.


Q: Is circadian fasting safe?

A: Circadian fasting is generally considered safe for most people. However, if you have a history of disordered eating or have a medical condition, it is important to talk to your doctor before starting any type of fasting regimen.


Q: What should I eat during my eating window on circadian fasting?

A: During your eating window on circadian fasting, it is important to focus on nutrient-dense, whole foods that are rich in protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates. Avoid processed foods, sugary drinks, and high-calorie snacks.


Q: Can I drink water during my fasting period on circadian fasting?

A: Yes, you can drink water and other non-caloric beverages, such as black coffee or herbal tea, during your fasting period on circadian fasting. However, it is important to avoid any beverages that contain calories, such as juice or soda.


Q: How long does it take to see results from circadian fasting?

A: The time it takes to see results from circadian fasting can vary depending on your individual goals and lifestyle. However, most people typically see improvements in metabolic health and weight loss within a few weeks of starting circadian fasting.


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