Corporate Wellness
How To Professionally Ask For A Raise
Asking for a raise can be nerve-racking, but it’s necessary that you get recognized for all the hard work you’ve done and get paid what you deserve. Read through these great instructions and ask for tips which you can follow if it’s the right time!

Do you feel those jitters every time you think of asking for that raise? Are you wondering how to ask for a raise or even bring that conversation up with your boss? Asking for a raise is undoubtedly a sensitive topic for your boss and the HR department, especially if you intend to stay in the organisation for a long time. But that shouldn’t deter you from asking for a raise, especially when you know you deserve it.
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1. When To Ask For A Raise
You need to know the right time to ask for your raise. Why? Asking for a raise at the right time will increase your chances of getting them and your boss will be more receptive. Two vital aspects play a role in it, your performance reviews and any recent project you have been part of that directly contributed to the operational improvements.
- Performance reviews: If your company does annual reviews or appraisals, this is a great time to have a conversation. However, your manager needs to be prepared and aware that you’re asking for a raise before the review. You can ask them prior to the annual review for a meeting request to discuss why you want a raise.
- Project: If you’ve recently contributed to a major milestone for your organisation, it can show the direct contributions you’ve made in the product’s revenue growth. This will help you in aligning your discussion for positive results.
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2. How To Ask For A Raise At Work
a)Collect Positive Feedback
You’ll want to receive positive feedback from your teammates when asking for a raise. Start a success document to begin tracking your wins, growth and accomplishments. Make it part of your routine to capture these things as they happen, so that they can be called upon when the time is right.
b) Bring the Data
When it comes to the deliverables of an entire project, don’t be afraid to get creative with what you worked on. Did you speed up a process, and if you did by what percentage?
Focus on the numbers your team is tracking, it can be articles written, or requests answered. Your data should reflect the company’s success driven story and how your contribution played a major role in it.
c) Practise your speech
You know when and what you’ll ask for, and you have the positive feedback and data to back you up. Now, it’s time to figure out what you’re going to say and rehearse it. If you’re anxious about the conversation, practice with a coach or a friend so that you feel confident in communicating.
You must remember the value you’ve brought to the organisation and the request that you’re making. When the time for the actual discussion comes, you want to feel prepared and assertive in the conversation.
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3. What To Do If Your Raise Is Rejected
An initial "no" does not mean your request was in vain. It can make your boss understand that you believe you deserve a raise, and gives you the opportunity to have this conversation again in the future.
If the feedback is not positive you can request them to give you certain add on benefits with the scope of your role. Like instead of the direct raise, you can ask whether they are open for negotiating with the working hours or days. You can also get useful feedback on your performance, or even negotiate for things other than your pay.
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