10 Things To Know About Hypertension
Unmanageable blood pressure or hypertension can put you at risk of many illnesses. There are ways to prevent, manage and reverse high blood pressure. Here are 10 things about hypertension that you ought to know.

Elevated blood pressure or hypertension is a health condition when the flow of blood is exerted in the walls of arteries with much force. It eventually leads to a higher risk of stroke, heart failure, kidney failure, and brain and other medical concerns. According to a survey by the World Health Organisation (WHO) in 2021, 1.28 billion people between 30-79 years were suffering from hypertension worldwide. A 2011 systematic review published in Hypertension in India concludes that hypertension causes 57 per cent of deaths from stroke and 24 per cent of deaths due to cardiovascular disease in India. Good news is that hypertension is curable and necessary steps can be taken to create awareness among people with the condition.
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Here are 10 things you should know about hypertension:
1. Blood Pressure over 130/80 mmHg is hypertension
Studies show that numbers higher than 130/80 mmHg signify the person has hypertension and he/she is at risk of stroke and heart disease.
2. Hypertension has no symptoms
High blood pressure is often labelled as a ‘silent killer’ as hypertension doesn’t have any apparent symptoms. WHO has estimated that all over the world 46 per cent of people with high blood pressure have no idea that they suffer from the condition.
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3. Hypertension may be related to dementia
According to a 2020 research issue in Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, hypertension, particularly during the 40s to 60s might be connected to the risk of improper cognitive function and dementia.
4. Hypertension is a curable condition
Hypertension is treatable and as per global static reports from WHO, 42 per cent of adults with hypertension are diagnosed and treated.
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5. Hypertension can lead to premature births
The Centres for Disease Control And Prevention in 2014 concluded that 10-15 per cent of maternal morbidity and rise in high blood pressure during pregnancy lead to complications and premature deliveries.
6. Young people have hypertension too
A 2021 cross-sectional observational study published in the Journal Of The Association of Physicians Of India showed the escalating prevalence of hypertension in Indian youth by 25 per cent to 45 per cent because of RAAS activation (drop in blood pressure) and rise in sympathetic overactivity due to stress.
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7. Hypertension can be controlled by changing dietary habits
Not just salt, but other sources of sodium such as cheese, pizza, deep-fried chips, meat products, and bread should be avoided to control high blood pressure.
8. Excessive alcohol consumption can trigger hypertension
The Lancet Public Health journal in 2017 states that consuming alcohol in huge quantities (more than 8 drinks for women and more than 15 drinks for men) can lead to high blood pressure.
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9. Lifestyle choices can change family history of hypertension
One is more likely to develop high blood pressure if it runs in the family. However, following a strict lifestyle and managing stress can reduce the occurrence of hypertension.
10. Hypertension can be controlled by adhering to regular exercise
Regular exercises can keep your heart healthy and your blood pressure under control says, a 2016 study issue in Current Hypertension Reports.
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