
3 Mindfulness Exercises to Improve Focus

Mindfulness is a skill we can develop through practice, enhancing our ability to concentrate and stay present. Here are three mindfulness exercises designed to improve focus.

By URLife Team
25 Oct 2024

In a world that often feels like a train moving too fast, many of us find ourselves drifting through our days on autopilot. We rush from one task to the next, our minds busy with a million thoughts while the beauty of the present moment slips by unnoticed. We’ve all experienced those moments—arriving somewhere only to realise we can’t quite recall the journey, or scrolling through our phones during meals instead of savoring the flavors in front of us.

Mindfulness is a life skill which helps us to pay attention to what is happening in our lives in the present moment; with ourselves, with others and our surroundings. In this intuitive and accessible state of presence, we can feel more connected, more clarity, more alive.
Here are a few of the mindfulness exercises to improve focus: 


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3 Mindfulness Activities to Improve Focus

The 3-Step Mindfulness Exercise

Step 1: Step Out of Autopilot
Find a quiet place where you can sit comfortably and allow yourself a moment of stillness. Then close your eyes gently and take a pause to relax. Start by focusing on your breath, bringing your attention to your current actions, thoughts, and sensations. Acknowledge any thoughts or feelings that arise. Tune into your inner self and recognise your present state.

Step 2: Become Aware of Your Breath
Shift your attention solely to your breathing for six breaths or about 90 seconds. The aim is to concentrate only on your breath. Notice the movement of your body with each inhale and exhale; observe how your chest lifts and falls, your belly expands and contracts, and how your lungs fill with air and empty. 

Step 3: Expand Your Awareness Outward
Gradually broaden your awareness, starting with your body and then extending it to your surroundings. Feel your entire body and pay attention to the sensations you notice—tightness, discomfort, or perhaps a sense of lightness in your face or shoulders. After this, recognise your body as a whole, and feel the sensations,
When you're ready, extend your awareness even further to your environment. With your eyes still closed, visualise the space in front of you. Imagine the colours, shapes, patterns, and textures of the objects around you. Be fully present in this moment, embracing  every details of your surroundings.
When you feel prepared to conclude the exercise, slowly open your eyes and carry this sense of mindfulness with you throughout your day.


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Five Senses Mindfulness Exercise

The “Five Senses” exercise is a simple yet effective way to practice mindfulness in any setting. By focusing on your senses, you can quickly ground yourself in the present moment. Here’s how to practice this exercise step by step:

Step 1: Notice Five Things You Can See

  • Take a moment to look around you.
  • Identify five things you can see.
  • Choose items that you might not usually notice, such as the intricate pattern on a wall, the reflection of light, or even a small detail like a crack in the pavement.
  • Acknowledge each item and take a moment to appreciate its presence.

Step 2: Notice Four Things You Can Feel

  • Bring your awareness to your body and surroundings.
  • Identify four things that you can feel at this moment.
  • This could be the texture of your clothing, the sensation of the breeze on your skin, the warmth of the sun, or the cool surface of a table you’re resting your hands on.
  • Tune into these sensations and really focus on how they make you feel.

Step 3: Notice Three Things You Can Hear

  • Close your eyes if it helps you concentrate better.
  • Listen carefully and identify three sounds around you.
  • This could be anything from the distant chirping of birds, the rustling of leaves, the hum of a nearby appliance, or even the soft sound of your own breathing.
  • Take a moment to fully absorb these sounds and notice their qualities.

Step 4: Notice Two Things You Can Smell

  • Bring your awareness to your sense of smell.
  • Identify two scents in your environment.
  • These might be subtle and often overlooked, such as the scent of fresh grass, a whiff of coffee, or even the lingering smell of food.
  • Appreciate these scents, whether they are pleasant or not, and how they affect your mood.

Step 5: Notice One Thing You Can Taste

  • Focus on your sense of taste.
  • Identify one thing you can taste right now.
  • This could be the lingering taste of a meal you had earlier, a sip of your drink, or even just the taste of air in your mouth.
  • If you can, take a moment to savor a small bite of food or sip of a drink, and fully engage with that flavour.


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Do A Body Scan

The body scan is a mindfulness practice that involves paying close attention to various parts of your body, noticing any sensations, tensions, or areas of relaxation. This practice can help enhance body awareness, promote relaxation, and reduce stress. Here’s how to do a body scan step by step:

Find a Quiet Space: Choose a comfortable and quiet location where you won’t be disturbed. You can do this lying down, sitting in a chair, or even sitting cross-legged on the floor.

  • If you're lying down, let your arms rest comfortably at your sides or on your stomach.
  • If you're sitting, place your feet flat on the ground and let your hands rest on your thighs or in your lap.


Close Your Eyes: If you feel comfortable, gently close your eyes to minimise distractions.

Take a Few Deep Breaths: Inhale deeply through your nose, filling your lungs, and then exhale slowly through your mouth. Repeat this a few times to help settle your mind and body.


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The Body Scan Practice

Focus on Your Breath:

  • Take a moment to bring your awareness to your breath.
  • Notice the natural rhythm of your breathing without trying to change it.
  • Feel the air entering and leaving your body.
  • Bring your attention to your toes. Notice any sensations, such as tingling, warmth, or tension.
  • Take a few moments to fully focus on how your toes feel.
  • Gradually move your awareness to the soles of your feet, the tops of your feet, and then your ankles.


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Slowly guide your attention upward:

  • Calves: Notice any sensations in your calves. Are they relaxed or tense?
  • Knees: Feel your knees and any sensations present.
  • Thighs: Observe how your thighs feel. Are they heavy or light?
  • Hips: Notice the sensation in your hips and pelvic area.
  • Lower Back: Bring awareness to your lower back. Is there any tension or discomfort?
  • Abdomen: Observe your belly rising and falling with each breath. Notice any sensations, such as tightness or relaxation.
  • Chest: Pay attention to your chest. Notice how it expands and contracts with each breath.
  • Shoulders: Notice if your shoulders are tense or relaxed. Allow them to soften.
  • Arms: Focus on your arms, from your shoulders to your fingertips. Are they heavy or light?
  • Neck: Bring awareness to your neck and throat. Notice any tightness.
  • Face: Notice your jaw, cheeks, and forehead. Relax any tension you may be holding.
  • Head: Finally, pay attention to the crown of your head. Allow your thoughts to drift away.


Related story: 7 Mindfulness Activities to Enjoy At Any Age


Full Body Awareness:

  • Once you have scanned your entire body, take a moment to bring your awareness to your entire body as a whole.
  • Notice how it feels to be present in your body.
  • Acknowledge any sensations, whether they are comfortable, uncomfortable, or neutral.
  • Take a few deep breaths and gradually bring your awareness back to the present moment.
  • If your eyes are closed, gently open them and take a moment to adjust to the light.


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