
3 Strategies to Address Misalignment Burnout

Burnout is not new, but its pervasiveness is. Know what misalignment burnout is and how to address it. .

By URLife Team
16 Jun 2024

According to a 2024 study published by the company Deloitte, a study of over 10,000 participants across four countries found that 42 per cent of respondents were burned out. That number was even higher among women (46 per cent) and Gen Z (48 per cent). 

In 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) officially classified burnout as a medical diagnosis, including the condition in the International Classification of Diseases, defining it as “a syndrome conceptualised as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.”


Related story: How to Identify And Deal With Signs of Burnout


Misalignment burnout, as theorised by Mark Travers, an American psychologist, refers to the physical, emotional and mental exhaustion that results from prolonged investment in a job that's at odds with your personal convictions. It is characterised by a conflict between personal values, organisational culture and an individual’s personality. It is the result of chronic exposure to environments that go against your values, beliefs, interests, or essential self. For example, an employee with a strong ecological conscience may feel a strong value conflict if they work for a company with little commitment to the fight against global warming.

Consider another instance: If you are a highly creative individual who thrives on innovation and new ideas but your job involves repetitive, mundane tasks with little room for creativity, you may feel stifled and unfulfilled. Over time, this can lead to a lack of motivation and a sense of purposelessness. Another reason behind misalignment burnout could be: If you value transparency and ethical behaviour but work in an environment where shortcuts and questionable practices are the norm, you may experience internal conflict and stress. This ethical dissonance can erode your sense of integrity and lead to burnout.

A 2015 study published in the Journal of Managerial Psychology found that when employees feel like they fit well with their organisation and their specific role, they're less likely to experience burnout.

Misalignment burnout can manifest in many ways. It usually starts when you learn to tolerate the intolerable and your values begin to blur. This can make you lose connection to why you began work in the first place. You can be jumpy, panicked, or have a walking on eggshells feeling. Eventually, you can become withdrawn from the people and activities you love, or lose sight of your value. You may experience a sense of inner emptiness, anxiety, or depression. This can further lead to total physical and mental collapse.

The 2024 research presented by the University of California identifies six areas where you could experience imbalances that lead to burnout. These six areas are workload, perceived lack of control, reward, community, fairness and values mismatch.


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3 Ways to Address Misalignment Burnout


Reconnect With Yourself

The first step to recovering from misalignment burnout is acceptance—acknowledging that you are struggling and need help. This initial recognition can be challenging, as it requires you to confront uncomfortable truths about your current state and the impact it has on your life. Denial and minimisation are common defence mechanisms that can prevent you from fully realising the extent of your burnout. However, accepting that you are facing misalignment and that it is affecting your well-being is crucial. This acceptance is not about assigning blame or feeling guilt; it is about recognising a problem that needs addressing, which is the foundation for any meaningful change.

Once you acknowledge your struggle, seeking support becomes essential. Open up to your loved ones, friends, or colleagues about what you're experiencing. Their understanding and encouragement can provide much-needed emotional support and validation. Additionally, consider seeking professional help, such as counselling or coaching, to gain expert guidance and strategies for managing burnout. Professional support can offer you tools to cope with stress, realign your values, and rebuild a healthier relationship with your work and personal life.


Related story: Signs of Burnout--An Expert's Guide To Cope


Reassess Your Values

Values often operate like the background system of your life, similar to an unseen compass guiding your decisions and actions. When your values aren't clearly visible, it becomes challenging to recognise when they are being violated. Many stages of burnout involve losing connection to your values, having them violated, or altering them to fit an unhealthy environment. Personally, losing sight of your values can lead to misalignment burnout and eventually leaving a corporate role. Thus, bringing your values into clear focus is non-negotiable. To ensure this, you might regularly engage in a value inventory exercise once a year. This practice involves asking yourself: 

  • What do I truly value? 
  • Are these values genuinely mine, or have they been influenced by others? 
  • How am I living out these values?
  • Are any of my values currently being compromised, either by myself or others?

This reflective practice can become essential for maintaining your alignment and well-being. Reassessing your values periodically helps you ensure they remain a central guide in your life. This helps you navigate challenges more effectively and make decisions that are in harmony with your true self. It also empowers you to identify and address any areas where your values might be compromised, fostering a more authentic and fulfilling life.


Related story: How to Avoid Burnout? Signs, Symptoms, and How to Spot it Early


Prioritise Self-Care

No matter how much you once longed for the job you are now considering quitting due to misalignment burnout, it's crucial to prioritise your well-being above your career. Prioritising self-care is essential for addressing misalignment burnout and restoring your overall well-being. Self-care encompasses a wide range of practices that nurture both your physical and mental health. Start by ensuring you get enough sleep, as rest is vital for cognitive function and emotional stability. A healthy diet fuels your body and mind, providing the necessary energy to face daily challenges. Regular exercise not only improves physical health but also boosts mood and reduces stress through the release of endorphins. 

Additionally, incorporate relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, yoga, or progressive muscle relaxation into your routine. By prioritising these simple yet powerful self-care practices, you create a strong foundation for resilience, helping you to better manage stress and prevent burnout. Consistent self-care allows you to maintain a balanced and fulfilling life, reinforcing your ability to stay aligned with your values and goals.


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Kamal 19 Jun 2024

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