Mental Health
7 Books On Women’s Health That Educate And Empower
How well do you know your body? Did you know about the mind-vagina connection? Re-educate yourself on female anatomy, health and sexuality with this reading list.

The Vagina Bible by Dr Jen Gunter

Pick this one to arm yourself with an arsenal of well-researched information on finding hormonal balance. The author combines integrative therapy through supplements, bioidentical hormones and herbal therapy with rigorous science to find hormonal balance.
Vagina: A Re-education by Lynn Enright

The author who has stage IV endometriosis chronicles how she transformed her life with the right information and care. She offers resources, support, and diet and lifestyle advice to tackle this disease.
Sometimes the hardest thing can be to say No. Read this for advice on speaking up for yourself, dealing with toxic people and lessons on living life on your own terms.

A collection of essays on navigating mental illness where facts meet personal narrative.
This book challenges our understanding of the vagina. Through a personal narrative, Naomi uncovers research that explores the “mind-vagina” connection.

Going through tough times? Learn how to be more resilient with these 8 strategies.
Learn how people with Synesthesia experience colours, sounds, and even tastes in extraordinary ways. Explore types, causes, and prevention for synesthesia.
Know the surprising ways anxiety affects your body; from muscle tension to gut issues. Find out how you can regain balance.
Here are five practical tips that will help keep your mind balanced and resilient in the face of life's challenges.