7 Signs Your Period Is Coming Tomorrow and Signs It is Late
Have you been feeling irritated, bloated, or sluggish? Well, looks like your period is right around the corner! Here are some signs your period is coming tomorrow.

You are in the office wearing white and your period starts. You have that vacation planned and your period is delayed and now you don’t know when it’s going to come. Aren’t we all too familiar with this? No matter how well you maintain your diet or exercise routine, the cycle changes. Periods might come unexpectedly , but what’s worse are the premenstrual symptoms that occur a week or two prior to the actual date. Here, you wish you were to give signs your period is coming tomorrow.
As per a 2014 systematic review published in the Journal of Clinical And Diagnostic Research, prevalence of premenstrual syndrome in women of reproductive age is 47.8 per cent. PMS (premenstrual syndrome) is a collection of emotional as well as physical symptoms that occur due to fluctuating hormones throughout the menstrual cycle.
Related story: The Ultimate Guide To Pain-Free Periods
Calculate your average cycle length
According to a 2016 study in PLoS One, an average menstrual cycle lasts for 28 days, ranging between 21 and 35 days. You can count when your next period is due by counting the average cycle length starting from the last day of your previous cycle. Count and add the number of days between the first day you get your periods and the day before you get your next period. Divide the sum total of days by the number of cycles. The result is your average cycle length.
Besides, one can also use a period tracking app that allows you to track your period every month. It shows your upcoming period dates which is quite useful as you can expect to prepare everything in advance. Everybody’s PMS symptoms are unusual and it's not always an easy or pleasant experience. The good news is that these symptoms are common and can be easily observed to keep track. Most PMS symptoms may taper off with the onset of a period.
Here are signs your period is coming tomorrow:
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What are the signs your period is coming tomorrow?
1. Painful and tender breast
A 2021 study issued in StatPearls points that breast pain or mastalgia is the most common issue in women during their reproductive life. Around 70 per cent of women in America suffer from tender breasts before the start of their menstrual cycle. Cyclic breast pain is predominantly associated with the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle and improves with the beginning of periods. The pain is due to the increase in oestrogen level that enlarges breast ducts, and progesterone causes milk glands to swell. Both combined can make your breasts feel pretty tender.
2. Skin breakouts
A 2014 survey in The Journal of Clinical And Aesthetic Dermatology reveals that 65 per cent of participants reported that their acne symptoms were worse with their menses. 56 per cent reported worsening symptoms in the week preceding their menses, 17 per cent reported worsening symptoms during their menses, and three percent reported worsening symptoms after their periods.
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3. Cramps
Menstrual cramps are another great indicator of getting periods early. When uterine muscles contract and shed uterus lining, this continuous contraction leads to pain in abdomen and upper thighs. A 2016 study issued in The Journal of Women’s Health shows that women with higher degree of inflammation or sensitivity in their body experience more menstrual pain. This might be one of the signs your period is coming tomorrow.
4. Mood swings
If you haven’t been feeling like yourself lately—blame it on your periods. A study in the American College of Obstetricians And Gynaecologists reveals that ups and downs in mood are due to hormone fluctuations before and during your menstrual cycle.
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5. Bloating
A 2014 study in BMC Women’s Health shows that the level of progesterone increases around menstruation which slows the digestion process and causes the stomach to bloat. Another study published in Obstetric and Gynaecology International, 2011, states that as oestrogen level drops during or around periods, the body absorbs water content from salty food you crave and causes fluid retention or bloating.
6. Sexually aroused
If you feel you need intimacy or feel increased sexual desire, then it is all due to hormones and you can assume this is a sign of period coming soon, says a study in Hormones and Behavior, 2016.
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7. Change in vaginal discharge
Before the start of the period, women may feel dry and sticky with clear or no discharge. This is the time when a woman is least fertile and it is a telltale sign that periods is around the corner, suggests a 2021 review in Cleveland Clinic.
What to do to manage period signs and symptoms?
Premenstrual symptoms can imbalance harmony in your life which usually occurs between 7-10 days before your due period date. However, some discomfort can be managed with a few useful tips.
- Stick to a healthy diet routine and avoid salt, sugar and caffeine intake.
- Practise light yoga like balasana (child pose) and savasana (corpse pose) to relieve menstrual pain. You can also try stretching.
- Get enough sleep (6-7 hours) to get rid of fatigue and moodiness.
- Consume dark chocolate to elevate mood and soothe upset stomach as cocoa is a good source of serotonin and has a prebiotic effect respectively, says study in The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 2022.
- Stay hydrated during this time as water will alleviate abdominal cramps and bloating.
Related story: 5 Reasons You Are Not getting Your Periods When You Are Not Pregnant
Signs your period is late
If you get your periods on time, give or take a couple of days, then it is quite easy for you to assume when you will be getting your next period. The fact is every female body is different and signs of period coming late may also differ. The body always tells you in different ways that your period is late. Here are some signs that you should look out for:
- Spotting
- Fatigue and feeling irritated
- Breast pain
- Nausea
- Slight headache
- Urge to urinate frequently
- Acne
- Bloating
- Increased cravings
- Cramps
- Backache
- Water retention
- Weight gain
Related story: A Introduction To Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
How to get a period soon?
If you want to get your periods soon because you have to attend a certain event or you are scheduled to travel, then there are some ways to induce periods. Although with the help of dietary alternatives naturally or hormonal pills, you cannot control or change when your period will come. There is no scientific research supporting this, but here are some things that may help.
- Vitamin C has ascorbic acid which produces antioxidants and oestrogen is effective in inducing periods, says a study in The Journal of Nutrition, 2016. Consuming citrus fruits such as lemon, grapefruits or oranges can help in getting periods soon.
- Hormonal birth control pills are another safe alternative to get periods faster. The pill contains both oestrogen and progesterone that can be taken for 21 days. The following week might get periods, reveals the International Journal of Women's Health, 2014.
- According to a 2010 study published in Botanical Medicine For Women’s Health, pineapple is loaded with bromelain, an enzyme that may boost oestrogen and other hormones that can help in regularising periods.
- Stress and anxiety can be one of the major reasons why your period is not on time, reveals a 2015 study issued in the Journal of Clinical And Diagnostic Research. Engage in activities that can help you relax and calm down like practising yoga and meditation.
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You can feel signs your period is coming tomorrow with apparent symptoms emotional or physical as you cannot always trust your period cycle. It is okay to confuse discharge with periods sometimes, however, it is advisable to be alert and listen to what your body has to say about your menstrual health. By observing signs, you can be prepared for your periods, no matter when it comes.
Q: Does your body temperature rise before your period?
A: Yes, you might notice a slight change in your core body temperature ranging from 97°–99°F during ovulation. The average body temperature for most women is 96°-98°.
Q: Do you get really dry before your period?
A: Yes, vaginal dryness is a common occurrence during ovulation as the level of oestrogen becomes low before a period.
Q: How to get a period soon naturally?
A: There are some ways that can help to induce periods like eating pineapples, citrus fruits such as lemon or oranges and avoiding stress.
Q: What are the signs that indicate the period is late?
A: Some signs that says your period is late:
- Spotting
- Fatigue and feeling irritated
- Breast pain
- Nausea
- Slight headache
- Urge to urinate frequently
- Acne
- Bloating
- Increased cravings
- Cramps
- Backache
- Water retention
Q: How to manage PMS symptoms?
A: Following a healthy diet plan, staying hydrated, practising yoga and exercising can help manage premenstrual symptoms.
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