
Hair Oiling: The Tradition That Became A Trend

With growing awareness about natural and Ayurvedic products, hair oiling has recently come back. Get the inside scoop on making your hair healthier, shinier, and more lustrous with a simple oiling session!

By Aditi
12 Jun 2022

Taking care of yourself is essential when you want to feel and look good. While you might not have the time to indulge in daily rituals, hair oiling is something you don’t need to be doing every day. Hair oil massages have recently been resurging in popularity, and it’s beneficial not just for your hair but for your mind too.


Every individual has their own memories of hair oiling sessions, where different generations come together to care for each other. You might have old memories of your mother, grandmother, or sister oiling your hair as you talked about life and gossiped about what was going on.


While hair oiling has been a mainstay tradition in many homes, it decreased in popularity as newer generations got busier. Here is what you should know about hair oiling and why it’s become so popular today.


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The Hair Oil Comeback

If you’ve happened to watch Bridgerton or watched any other film, you might have seen scenes where characters are applying oil onto each other’s hair. Many references in popular media today incorporate the tradition of hair oiling.


Since hair oiling has become common to watch on screens and online, many people who believe that hair oiling is ‘not cool’ or in line with current trends are slowly changing their minds. As an increasing number of people are becoming eco-conscious and aware of the environmental damage of cosmetic products, falling back to the natural and healing process is crucial. Hair oiling does not utilize any chemicals and is an entirely natural way of restoring lost luster and health to hair.


The Ayurvedic Roots of Oiling

Hair oiling has been present in India for centuries and is an integral component of Ayurvedic medicine. It has been recommended in cases of hair loss, fall, and even hair thinning. Today, many people resort to getting expensive treatments at the salon, like a hair spa or conditioning treatment, to get similar results to what hair oiling would have done.


According to ancient Ayurvedic texts, applying oil to the head has various benefits. The father of Indian medicine, Acharya Charaka, wrote in Charaka Samhita that an individual who applies oil to the scalp regularly will not get headaches, greying, baldness, or excessive hair fall. Sleep quality becomes better, and you can even notice a change in your overall complexion.


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According to Ayurveda, the scalp is composed of multiple energy-relieving points known as marmas. Hair oiling can help rejuvenate these points and help extract any excess doshas (live-giving energies) accumulated. It restores balance and helps with better decision-making. The negative effects of excessive dosha like hair fall, rough hair texture, premature greying, and more are dealt with.


How to Oil Your Hair

Massaging oil into your scalp and hair shafts can bring forth immediate relief, provided that you’re doing it correctly. If possible, it would be ideal if you got a family member or friend to do it for you, to spend extra quality time and relaxation.


Author Vasudha Rai recommends warming the oil by submerging the bottle or container in hot water beforehand. Apply oil straight to your scalp and massage it with your fingers in a circular motion. The oil left in your hands can be applied throughout the rest of your hair. Shampoo your hair as you would normally do. Condition your hair as you would normally do.

Shampoo your hair as you would normally do. Condition your hair as you would normally do.


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Optimal Oils for Different Hair Types

Different oils come with different uses and benefits, and you need to know the state of your hair beforehand. If you suffer from dry and brittle hair, you might require a hydrating oil that nourishes your hair even after the oil has been removed. If you suffer from dandruff, you might want to look for a clarifying oil to help remove excess dandruff and moisturise your scalp.


Different oils that can be used on your hair include:


  • Castor
  • Coconut
  • Sesame
  • Almond
  • Olive
  • Argan
  • Moringa
  • Bhringraj
  • Amla


Your dosha can also determine the texture and state of your hair. Your Vata (wind), Kapha (water and earth), and pitta (fire) levels can determine which kind of oil will be best for your hair. It can be ideal to contact an Ayurvedic expert if you have hair problems that you believe are due to an imbalance in your doshas.


Coconut oil is the most commonly used hair oil in most South Asian countries, as it is easily accessible and can be found unadulterated at reasonable prices. It can also easily penetrate the hair shaft due to the principal fatty acid, lauric acid. The oil does not excessively weigh down your hair and helps combat protein loss. It’s ideal for deep conditioning and is ideal for various hair types.


Almond oil is ideal for those looking to increase their hair growth. It contains Vitamin B, K, and E. Argan or Moroccan oil is ideal to use when you want a natural conditioning element for your hair. Depending on which hair oil you use, the benefits for your hair can vary. You should contact an expert or do your research before settling for any type of hair oil.


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Benefits of Hair Care Oil

While there are varying benefits to oiling your hair depending on the type of oil you use, you get specific benefits when oiling your hair regularly. When you use the best hair oil for your needs, you can see these benefits:


  • Promoting scalp health
  • Protection from pollution and other external factors
  • Prevent hair dryness and brittleness
  • Gentle massages help in exfoliation and circulation in the scalp
  • Reducing hair fall
  • Better shine and gloss after washing
  • Strengthening of the hair shaft


Self-Care with Hair Oiling

When you want to ensure that your hair remains healthy and strong for a long time to come, it’s worth considering hair oiling. Spending thousands of rupees at a hair salon to achieve the same result as a weekly hair oiling session isn’t worth it in the long run. When you want natural products that help promote your hair’s health, there’s nothing better than good old hair oil.


Make it a proper session by getting a friend or family member to do it with you. Enjoy time with your loved ones when you’re revisiting this tradition that’s bound to bring joy and health to your hair!


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