How A Yoga Teacher Starts Her Day
Don’t roll out of bed just yet! Stay in a little longer to try these stretches to set the tone for a calm, productive day ahead.
Ease those tight knots and stiff joints with these asanas from celebrity yoga trainer, Rupal Sidhpuria Faria. She performs these stretches every morning before taking on the day. A good stretch before your feet hit the ground can boost blood circulation and wake up your parasympathetic nervous system that is responsible for rest and digestion. If meditating in the morning is not your style, try stretching to channel calming energy and to help your body ease into the day.
Rupal Sidhpuria Faria guides us through her morning wake-up routine.
- Diaphragmatic Breathing: The first one, I lie down, right hand on the navel. Five breaths. Inhale through the stomach, exhale contract. Minimum movement at the chest.
- Yastikasana: Then I stretch my legs straight and stretch my hands up. Stretch, stretch, stretch and come back. Then again stretch, then move my hands behind.
- Supta Vakrasana: Then back, bring the hands up, twist a little to the left and then twist to the right. Inhale and exhale, stay there. Same thing on the other side.
- Pavanamuktasana: Then back from here, I hurl myself. Come back, again in. You can lift your head up, you can place it down.
- Supta Baddha Konasana: And then followed by another stretch. That feels good.
- Supported Viparita Karani: And then you can go to the wall. Stretch. You can take an up, hands straight.
- Sarpasana: You can also get into the backbend and lift up. That’s about it.
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