
Knee Pain? Try These Knee Exercises

Whether you're recovering from an injury or suffering from chronic knee pain, these knee-strengthening exercises can help restore mobility and enhance your overall quality of life.

By URLife Team
05 Nov 2023

Whether you're a competitive athlete, a weekend warrior, or simply a daily walker, struggling with knee pain can prevent you from enjoying your favourite activities. According to a 2023 report by All India Institute of Medical Sciences, India is witnessing a 50 per cent increase in people with complaints of knee pain and joint pain due to a sedentary lifestyle, lack of nutritious diet and exercise, besides excessive smoking and consumption of alcohol.


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Knee pain, regardless of your age or activity level, can be incapacitating and stems from various factors like prior injuries, arthritis, or excessive use. The encouraging news is that there are exercises available to mitigate knee pain and enhance knee joint strength and flexibility. In cases where knee pain is the result of an injury, surgical procedure, or arthritis, gentle stretching and strengthening exercises can prove invaluable in alleviating discomfort while fostering improved flexibility and range of motion.


Why are knee exercises crucial?

Engaging in exercise for an injured or arthritic knee may initially seem counterintuitive, but it is, in fact, more beneficial than keeping the knee completely immobile. Prolonged inactivity can lead to stiffness, exacerbating the pain.


According to a 2023 study published in the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, incorporating lower-body stretching exercises into your routine can be beneficial for enhancing the range of motion and flexibility in your knee joint. This increased flexibility can facilitate easier and more comfortable knee movement.


Engaging in knee-strengthening exercises offers several significant benefits, especially for those dealing with knee pain, or injury, or seeking to maintain knee health:

  • Knee-strengthening exercises can help alleviate pain by strengthening the muscles that support the knee joint, reducing stress on the knee, and improving joint stability.
  • Regular knee exercises can enhance the flexibility and range of motion in your knee joint, making it easier to perform daily activities and preventing stiffness.
  • Engaging in physical activity, including knee exercises, can help with weight management. Maintaining a healthy weight reduces the strain on the knee joints.
  • Knee exercises are often an integral part of rehabilitation following knee surgery, helping individuals regain strength, mobility, and function.
  • In some cases, effective knee exercises can help manage knee issues without the need for medication or surgery, providing a non-invasive treatment option.


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Exercises To Reduce Knee Pain

Exercises for the knee and strengthening routines work to fortify the muscles supporting the knee joint, ultimately reducing the strain and stress on the knee while facilitating smoother joint movement.


Before Getting Started

Before engaging in stretching exercises, it is advisable to allocate at least 5 to 10 minutes for a proper warm-up. Low-impact activities such as cycling on a stationary bike, walking, or utilising an elliptical machine are excellent choices for warming up your muscles and preparing your body for stretching. This warm-up phase can help prevent injury and ensure that stretches for knee pain are more effective.


1. Standing Quadriceps Stretch

Targeted area: Quadriceps (Feel the stretch in front of the thigh)

Repetitions: 2 to 3

Frequency: 4 to 5 days per week

  • Begin by holding on to the back of a chair or a wall to maintain your balance.
  • Bend your knee on one leg, bringing your heel up towards your buttock.
  • With the same hand, grasp your ankle and gently pull your heel closer to your body while keeping your knees close together.
  • Hold this stretched position for a duration of 30 to 60 seconds.
  • Repeat the stretch with the opposite leg.


Tip: To maximise the effectiveness of this stretch, ensure that you do not arch or twist your back while performing it.


2. Supine Hamstring Stretch

Targeted areas: Hamstrings (Feel the stretch at the back of the thigh and behind the knee)

Repetitions: 2 to 3

Frequency: 4 to 5 days per week

  • Begin by lying on the floor with both of your legs bent.
  • Lift one leg off the floor and draw the knee towards your chest.
  • Clasp your hands behind your thigh, positioning them below your knee for support.
  • Straighten your leg gently, and then pull it towards your head until you feel a noticeable stretch in your hamstring. If you have difficulty reaching your hands behind your leg, you can use a towel. Loop the towel around your thigh, grasp the ends of the towel, and pull your leg toward you.
  • Maintain this stretched position for 30 to 60 seconds.
  • Repeat the stretch with the opposite leg.


Tip: Be cautious not to place your hands directly on your knee joint and pull. Instead, focus on the area below the knee for a safe and effective stretch.


Related Post: Exercises To Reduce Knee Pain: UR.Life Protocol


3. Half Squats

Targeted areas: Quadriceps, gluteus, hamstrings (Feel the stretch at the front and back of the thighs and buttocks)

Repetitions: 3 sets of 10

Frequency: 4 to 5 days per week

  • Stand with your feet at shoulder width apart. You can let your hands rest on the front of your thighs or extend them in front of you for balance. If needed, you can hold on to the back of a chair or a wall for extra support.
  • Maintain an upright posture with your chest lifted, and gradually lower your hips about 10 inches, as if you are sitting down in an imaginary chair.
  • Ensure that your weight is distributed in your heels, and hold the squat position for about 5 seconds.
  • Push through your heels to return to a standing position.


Tip: Avoid bending forward at your waist during this exercise to protect your back and maintain proper form.  If you have knee pain, it is better to consult a physiotherapist before performing this exercise.


4. Hamstring Curls

Targeted area: Hamstrings (Feel the stretch at the back of the thigh)

Repetitions: 3 sets of 10

Frequency: 4 to 5 days per week

  • Begin by holding on to the back of a chair or a wall to maintain your balance.
  • Bend your affected knee and raise your heel toward the ceiling as far as possible without experiencing pain.
  • Hold this raised position for 5 seconds, then relax, and repeat.


Tip: While performing this exercise, flex your foot and ensure that your knees stay close together for proper form and to maximise its effectiveness. If you have knee pain, it is better to consult a physiotherapist before performing this exercise.

5. Leg Presses

Targeted areas: Quadriceps, hamstrings (Feel the stretch at front of the hip, front and back of the thigh)

Repetitions: 3 sets of 10

Frequency: 4 to 5 days per week

  • Place the centre of the elastic band at the arch of your foot and hold the ends in each hand. Lie on the floor with your elbows bent.
  • Tighten the thigh muscle of your affected leg and bring your knee toward your chest.
  • Flex your foot and slowly straighten your leg directly in front of you, pushing against the elastic band.
  • Hold this extended position for 2 seconds, then relax, bring your leg back to the floor, and repeat.


Tip: Maintain tight abdominal muscles throughout the exercise to provide stability and support during the movement.  If you have knee pain, it is better to consult a physiotherapist before performing this exercise.


Related Post: Walk For 15-Minutes Thrice A Day To Prevent Knee Pain: This Just In


For severe knee pain, it's prudent to consult a medical professional for imaging to assess the extent of the damage. Before embarking on a knee exercise program tailored to address knee pain, consulting with a doctor or physical therapist is essential to ensure that the exercises are safe and appropriate for your specific situation. Depending on your condition, they may suggest modifications or a supervised exercise regimen under the guidance of a physical therapist.


This article has been verified by Dr. Vinay Aindala, Senior Physiotherapist at UR.Life Studio, Apollo Health City, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad


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Anjaneya 17 Apr 2024

Nice article


SUDEB MITRA 24 Feb 2024

Express in bengali


Demo 10 Jan 2024

Easy to follow


Ravi 28 Nov 2023

Good to know

