
Lessons on Stress-Free Healthy Habits

Ever wondered how you can effortlessly maintain healthy habits without stressing over food? We've got the inside scoop. Let's find out lessons in self-care from reputed nutritionists with UR.Life.

By URLife Team
06 May 2024

When the term "self-care" pops into your mind, you might envision luxurious baths, pampering face masks, or leisurely reading sessions on lazy Sundays. No doubt those are all fantastic examples, but here's the thing: self-care goes way beyond bubble baths and spa days. Self-care isn't just about embracing new, healthier habits —it could be your ticket to dodging some serious health issues like obesity and diabetes.


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Healthy habits, such as eating a balanced diet and engaging in regular physical activity, help maintain a healthy weight, and whole foods like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains help regulate blood sugar levels. Besides, anti-inflammatory foods like spinach, tomatoes and omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce inflammation and lower the risk of related health issues.


Bengaluru-based celebrity nutritionist, Ryan Fernando talks about life-changing habits one can adopt in 2024. Taking a leaf from his book, A Guide to Gluten-Free Life, Ryan advocates for mindful eating—take your time, relish each bite, and tune in to your body's hunger and fullness signals. And when it comes to your plate, aim for a balanced mix of protein, healthy fats, and complex carbs to keep your engine running smoothly.


If you're serious about making a lasting change to your eating habits, it's time to strategise. Here's the winning formula: reflect, replace, and reinforce.


  • First up, reflection. Take a good, hard look at the current patterns in your life. What's working? What's not? Identifying your strengths and weaknesses is the first step toward meaningful change.
  • Next, replacement. Once you've pinpointed the habits you want to shake up, it's time to swap them out for healthier alternatives. 
  • Last but not least, reinforcement. Consistency is key when it comes to forming new habits. Find ways to reinforce your progress, whether it's tracking your meals, celebrating small victories, or enlisting the support of friends and family.


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9 Lessons on Stress-Free Healthy Habits From Nutritionists

We went straight to the source, tapping into the wisdom of seasoned nutritionists to know what all foods one should follow to transform into a healthy well-being. Nutrition is like fuel for both your body and mind, impacting everything from your energy levels to your mood, sleep quality, and even your appearance. If you're looking for simple ways to kickstart your self-care journey, consider these suggestions:


1. Make a habit of waking up early to set body rhythm

Bengaluru-based celebrity nutritionist, Ryan Fernando suggests that waking up at sunrise will set the tone for the day as they say, if you win your morning you will win your day. Looking at the sunrise can set your circadian rhythm. Give time to meditation. Breathework will help you get more oxygen into your blood cells and your mind will be calmer. 


2. Prioritise breakfast to stay energetic the whole day

Start your day right with a nutritious breakfast that revs up your brainpower and sets the tone for a productive day ahead. Dr. Lakshmi Kilaru, Ph.D Food Science & Nutrition, University of Georgia (USA), and Head Nutritionist, URLife, recommends recipes that will give you your morning protein boost. One can try Moong Dal Cheela which is a great source of plant-based protein, fibre, zinc, iron and potassium. Besides, an Oat Almond Shake is is also highly nutritious, and contains, amongst other things, essential fatty acids that benefit your heart health. 


Related Post: A Nutritionist's Guide To Eggless, High Protein Breakfast Ideas


3. Eat whole grains and protein for PCOS

Nutritionist Nidhi Singh, founder of PCOS Club India, talks to URLife about how diet affects the PCOS lifestyle.  Replacing regular tacos with whole-grain, high-protein tacos or replacing white rice with quinoa. Chips can be replaced with nuts, seeds, and fruits. Instead of normal wheat rotis, one can opt for ragi or jowar rotis, wheat or millets—these are complex carbs that are great for your metabolic health. These foods help reduce inflammation in the body, which is often associated with insulin resistance and PCOS.


4. Manage spikes in blood sugar levels

A balanced diet that includes whole foods like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains helps regulate blood sugar levels. Consistently high blood sugar levels, often resulting from poor dietary choices, can lead to insulin resistance and eventually type 2 diabetes. Healthy eating habits can help prevent these issues by promoting stable blood sugar levels.


5. Consume more veggies to reduce inflammation

Unhealthy eating habits, such as consuming excessive amounts of processed foods, sugar, and unhealthy fats, can contribute to chronic inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation is linked to various health conditions, including obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Adopting healthier eating habits, rich in anti-inflammatory foods like fruits, vegetables, and omega-3 fatty acids, can help reduce inflammation and lower the risk of related health issues.


Related Post: How To Reduce Inflammation In The Body


6. Move more to improve insulin sensitivity

Nutritionist Nidhi Singh, founder of PCOS Club India, talks to URLife about how diet helps improve your insulin sensitivity. Regular physical activity improves insulin sensitivity, allowing your body to effectively regulate blood sugar levels. Conversely, a sedentary lifestyle can lead to insulin resistance, a key factor in the development of type 2 diabetes. By incorporating exercise into your routine, you can enhance insulin sensitivity and reduce the risk of diabetes.


7. Eat healthy snacks to suppress cravings

According to Bengaluru-based nutritionist and fitness instructor Dr. Nikita Suresh, food cravings are triggered by specific regions in the brain—usually pertaining to highly calorific and hyperpalatable items that are heavy in sugar or sodium. Swap salted chips or deep-fried snacks with a handful of salted nuts and seeds. To satisfy your sweet tooth, enjoy a few pieces of dark chocolate, date-based energy balls or bars and jaggery. Beat the summer blues with this yummy banana ice cream.


8. Manage hypertension

Celebrity nutritionist Shweta Shah describes different precautions you should be taking and the perfect diet for hypertension. Choose beetroot, red cabbage, and pomegranate to manage high blood pressure. Besides, carrot and beetroot juices will help regulate blood pressure. 


9. Improve low haemoglobin

Bangaluru-based nutritionist, Dr. Nikita Suresh talks about the causes of haemoglobin and how to increase the haemoglobin count through nutrition. If the body is unable to produce red blood cells due to a disease or condition, your haemoglobin levels may plunge. Eating a vitamin-rich diet can help maintain your red blood cells. A balanced diet centered on important nutrients is the best way to maintain healthy red blood cells and haemoglobin. Dr. Nikita further suggests that consuming foods rich in vitamin C, such as citrus fruits, can improve iron absorption. Most people with iron deficiency need 150–200 milligrams (mg) per day of iron. 


Related Post: 4 Tips From A Nutritionist To Improve Low Haemoglobin


In summary, adopting healthier habits such as eating a balanced diet, staying active, managing stress, and getting adequate sleep can significantly reduce the risk of obesity, diabetes, and other chronic health conditions. These habits contribute to better weight management, blood sugar control, inflammation reduction, improved insulin sensitivity, and overall health promotion.


Habits are like seeds that need time to grow into sturdy trees—it's a journey that doesn't happen overnight. That's where working with a nutrition professional can make all the difference. While nutrition is indeed a vital component of self-care, having that extra support and knowledge can be a game-changer. With the guidance of a nutrition professional, even small changes can snowball into significant achievements on your wellness journey.


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