Mental Health

9 Steps to Instant Self-Care

Self-care isn’t all things luxury. It can be achieved through simple activities that come free of cost.

By URLife Team
24 Jul 2024

While you may think of self-care as enjoying rose petal-infused bubble baths, that’s not all it is; self-care encompasses much more. Self-care is a continuous practice of nurturing your physical, mental, and emotional well-being through various means.

The author of ‘A Year of Self-Care’, Zoe Shaw, mentions in her book that “When we think of what a good mother is, it’s someone who is nurturing and warm, but it’s also someone who makes you eat your vegetables, go to bed on time and brush your teeth”. Self-care takes all this into account, refreshing the body as well as the mind.

If you think you are quite overwhelmed or exhausted by the everyday challenges life throws at you, this is the best time to start instant self-care.


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9 Ways to Practise Instant Self-Care

Plan or Anticipate a Vacation 

Research says that it is best to daydream about a vacation you want to take. Think of what you wish to do there, spend time choosing the accommodations, activities and even your wardrobe. According to a 2010 study published in the journal Applied Research in Quality of Life, just planning or anticipating your trip can make you happier than actually taking it.

It gives you something positive to look forward to in the future. It can be a source of motivation and excitement, injecting a sense of adventure and building curiosity. As you research destinations, activities, and accommodations, you may discover new interests and opportunities for exploration that you hadn't considered before. 


Related story: How Taking A Couple's Vacation Can Improve Your Mental Health And Strengthen Your Relationship


Dedicate Time to Do Nothing 

Ever happened that you are feeling all over the place? If yes, then find an escape by doing nothing. How about dedicating some time to doing absolutely nothing? It might sound counterintuitive, but carving out moments of pure relaxation and stillness can work wonders for your well-being. 

Find a quiet spot where you can simply sit or lie down comfortably, away from distractions. Watch birds chirping or take pleasure in viewing the sunset. Allow your mind to wander freely, without any pressure or expectation. Embrace the simplicity of just being present in the moment, letting go of the need to accomplish or achieve


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Laugh Out Loud

A 2023 study by the University of Warwick found that laughing for 10 to 15 minutes a day can burn approximately 40 calories—which could be enough to lose a kilogram or two over the course of a year.

Never underestimate the power of a good belly laugh. Plug into a funny podcast or stream the newest stand-up special, you’ll be happy you did. Laughing triggers the release of endorphins, our body's natural feel-good chemicals. These chemicals instantly boost our mood and alleviate stress. A hearty laugh also stimulates circulation and relaxes muscles, promoting relaxation and easing tension throughout the body. 


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Connect with Old Friends

A 2023 study highlighted that our convos don’t have to be super deep to be good for us. When comparing the effects of seven types of chats—catching up, meaningful talk, joking around, showing care, listening, valuing others’ opinions, or offering compliments—researchers found that the specific type of conversation didn’t matter so much; just reaching out to a friend daily improved participants' feelings of connection and well-being.

Do not hold yourself back from calling your friends to just know how they are keeping up. Reconnecting with an old friend offers more than just a pleasant conversation—it can be deeply enriching and therapeutic. A long talk allows us to reminisce about shared experiences. It never fails to provide a sense of continuity and nostalgia that strengthens our emotional bonds.


Related story: How to Revive Your Friendships


Treat Yourself 

Is it the handbag you’ve been eyeing? Or that massage you’ve been saving up to splurge on? Go for it because these moments of indulgence are investments in our happiness. They provide a break from routine stresses, allowing us to recharge and rejuvenate. These small gestures of kindness to ourselves affirm our worth and importance.

It's a reminder that taking care of our own needs is essential for maintaining balance and resilience in our daily lives. So go ahead, treat yourself—it's a beautiful way to honour your journey and celebrate the joy of being uniquely you.


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Digital Detoxification 

The digital overwhelm is real, everybody — and you’ll be shocked at how much better and healthier you feel when you learn to switch off. A digital detox enables us to reclaim control over our lives and prioritise what truly matters, helping us feel better and healthier. 

Stepping away from screens helps to create space to deepen connections with ourselves and others, rediscover sidelined hobbies, and regain mental clarity. It allows us to fully engage in the present moment, free from notifications and distractions, ultimately revitalising our creativity and productivity. Embracing periodic digital detoxes isn't just about switching off; it's about actively recharging our spirits and nurturing a healthier relationship with technology, ensuring we harness its benefits without letting it dominate our lives.

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Self Compassion

Want to protect your emotional energy? It starts with believing in yourself. Would you speak to a friend the way you speak to yourself? When faced with problems or setbacks, be compassionate with yourself and avoid criticising yourself or self-judgement. The way you speak to yourself -or others- about yourself has a really strong impact on you. Hence, be aware of your inner dialogue and work on accepting yourself, forgiving yourself, and being compassionate.

Cultivating self-compassion means embracing our imperfections with understanding rather than harsh judgement. It involves acknowledging our struggles as part of being human and treating ourselves with the empathy we readily offer others. 


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Mindful Practices 

Yoga or tai chi to synchronise physical and mental well-being. These practices offer a harmonious blend of movement, mindfulness, and relaxation that helps foster a profound connection between your body and mind. 
Mindful practices also teach us to stay present in the moment and develop a greater appreciation for our bodies' capabilities.

Mindfulness exercises also involves mindful eating. It encompasses paying attention to the taste, sight and textures of what you eat. Try this when drinking a cup of tea or coffee for example. You could focus on the temperature, how the liquid feels on your tongue, and how sweet it tastes 


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Consciously Engage In Each of the Five Senses

Notice five things you can see, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste. This exercise helps bring your awareness into the present moment and grounds you in your immediate surroundings.

Not only does it sharpen your perception and attention to detail, but it also promotes relaxation and a sense of calm. Whether you're indoors or outdoors, this exercise can be adapted to suit any environment, making it a versatile tool for mindfulness meditation and stress management. 


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