A Nutritionist's Easy Tips To Manage PMS Symptoms
Extreme PMS symptoms can derail your life and be hard to bear. For immediate relief without medication, a nutritionist shares quick tips to ease PMS symptoms.

Premenstrual syndrome or PMS are a collection of symptoms that most women face several days before their period. Anxiety, trouble sleeping, changes in appetite, trouble concentrating, waking up with fatigue and sudden acne breakouts are some common symptoms of PMS. According to the Psychoneuroendocrinology Journal, on average a woman experiences premenstrual symptoms about 450 times in her lifetime.
PMS can be an emotionally rocky and physically draining time for many. About 85% women experience PMS symptoms from bloating to cramping, says celebrity nutritionist Shweta Shah. Few women experience minor discomforts like bloating and fatigue, while others experience severe symptoms like breast tenderness, tiredness, cramps, headaches, constipation, food cravings, anxiety and even depression.
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While hormones play a part in these biological changes, exercise and a healthy diet can help relieve these symptoms, says Celebrity Nutritionist Shweta Shah. Here are a few simple tips to follow that help you keep PMS symptoms at bay.
Paying attention to your diet consistently is a better approach to maintain a healthy body than tweaking your diet after the symptoms have started. Basically, an ideal diet for keeping PMS symptoms under control should contain high protein while it should be low on carbohydrates and gluten.
Nutritionist Shweta Shah’s Quick Tips for Instant Relief from PMS Symptoms
1. Eating overnight soaked black raisins in the morning will give relief from chest pain and acidity.
2. A warm ginger and jeera decoction will help you deal with bloating.
3. A juice made from equal amounts of celery stem and cucumber will reduce bloating and help with water weight.
4. Eating bananas everyday will help you boost magnesium levels and aid with mood swings.
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Seed Cycling is One of the Best Ways to Balance Hormones
- Seed cycling is eating specific seeds during two main phases of the menstrual cycle. Read more on How Seed Cycling May Help Maintain Hormonal Balance Naturally.
- During the follicular phase, eating pumpkin and flax seeds will improve estrogen levels. Also, pumpkin seeds high in zinc will trigger progesterone that helps the body move towards the second phase.
- Similarly, eating sesame and sunflower seeds in luteal phase improves progesterone levels as sesame seeds are high in zinc and sunflower seeds contain selenium and vitamin E that boosts production of progesterone.
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Nutrient Deficiencies Play a Key Role in Aggravating PMS Symptoms
Many studies have found that certain nutrient deficiencies are linked to PMS symptoms. In fact, a study published in the Journal of the Council of Nutrition, 2022, shows that micronutrients and essential fatty acid deficiencies will instigate PMS symptoms. Here are five essential nutrients that play a crucial role in aggravating PMS symptoms:
Magnesium is critical in supporting the production of hormones, it also supports adrenal gland and helps balance out the stress response. Magnesium is also essential for dopamine and serotonin production. Imbalance in dopamine will lead to increased feelings of anxiety. A study published in the year 2021 in the Journal of Psychiatric Neuroscience and Therapeutics measures the magnesium levels and its impact throughout the menstrual cycle. It concluded that there is a correlation between lower levels of magnesium during the luteal phase and women experiencing PMS symptoms.
Bananas are found in many households, and eating a banana every day ten days before your period can ensure a pain free period. It boosts magnesium levels in the body that directly influences our mood because magnesium has a great control over serotonin. In addition to that, it also reduces bloating and breast tenderness.
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Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 is a precursor to neurotransmitters, serotonin and dopamine. Studies show that serotonin deficiency in the people who experience PMS causes severe emotional distress. Also, a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2011, showed that higher intake of vitamin B rich foods will lower the risk of PMS.
Selenium is an antioxidant that plays an important role in maintaining the health of the immune system. Selenium decreases the oxidative stress in our body that in turn reduces inflammation and enhances immunity. A lesser known side of selenium is their relation with the progesterone levels in our body. A study published in the Animal Science Journal, 2016 showed that selenium can increase the level of progesterone in our body. Low progesterone level in the luteal phase can lead to mood swings and emotional instability.
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Omega 3
Omega 3 fatty acid has a predominant effect on your prostaglandins, showed Dr Henderson and Homer in their Lipids Journal. It can help offset the inflammatory prostaglandins. The prostaglandins in the luteal phase stimulate the muscles in the uterus to shed the thick lining. Increase or decrease in the prostaglandins will directly influence the period and thereby also prolonging the PMS symptoms shows a study in the Journal of American Family Physician.
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Zinc is similar to selenium. Zinc supports the production of Follicle Stimulating Hormone which initiates ovulation and the production of progesterone. The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Research, 2017, showed that with increase in zinc supplementation the prevalence of PMS reduced. The study also showed that there is an association between zinc and decrease inPMS symptoms.
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