Mental Health

5 Strategies to Be More Assertive About Your Needs

To achieve anything in life, finding the right words to put through is important. These 5 strategies will help you become more assertive.

By URLife Team
28 Sep 2024

Imagine the freedom of speaking your mind in front of your manager or partner without feeling pushy or walking over. You don’t want to be rude, but also not let anyone else invade your boundaries.

This is the power of assertiveness. It's about finding the perfect balance where you confidently express your needs while respecting others. Assertiveness isn't about dominating a conversation or shrinking into the background; it's about clear, respectful communication that strengthens relationships and helps you stand tall.


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What Does Being Assertive Mean?

Assertive simply means to express what you want or need clearly and respectfully, while also considering the feelings and needs of others. It's about standing up for yourself while recognising and respecting the perspectives of others. Assertiveness allows for honest and empathetic communication, enabling you to engage with others confidently without creating unnecessary tension. 

For instance, your boss approaches you at work and asks you to take on an extra project. Instead of staying silent (being passive) or reacting aggressively, you respond assertively:
“Thank you for considering me for this project, but given my current workload, I won’t be able to pay attention to it. Can we adjust my tasks or extend the deadline?”

Another scenario is where your friends often choose a restaurant you don’t like, but you usually go along with it to avoid conflict. Instead of staying quiet (passive) or getting annoyed (aggressive), you say:
“Hey, we often go to this restaurant, but I’d love to try something different this time. How about we check out the new place today?”


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Benefits of Being Assertive

Mastering assertiveness brings a wide array of powerful benefits that can significantly improve different facets of your life.

  • Boosts your self-confidence: Being assertive helps you communicate openly and honestly with everyone—whether it’s your boss, co-workers, or loved ones. Over time, your self-worth improves as you get comfortable expressing your thoughts, and you’ll find it easier to ask for what you truly want.
  • Develops your leadership: Assertiveness is a hallmark of strong leaders. In the workplace, leaders need to be clear, direct, and capable of delegating tasks to keep things running smoothly. The ability to assertively communicate sets you apart as someone who can make decisions, lead a team, and drive success, helping you rise in your professional career.
  • Reduces stress by tackling issues head-on: When you avoid difficult conversations or situations, they tend to weigh on your mind, building up unnecessary stress. Being assertive allows you to address problems as they arise, freeing up mental space and energy. 
  • Communicates effectively: Assertive communication is one of the most effective styles out there. By clearly expressing your needs, you let others know where you stand on issues, which helps build open, honest relationships. People appreciate straightforward communication, and it fosters a healthy, productive dynamic whether at home or work.


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5 Strategies to Be More Assertive

Mastering assertiveness is a game-changer. The best part? It's a skill anyone can learn. By becoming more assertive, we can communicate more effectively, build stronger connections, and ensure our needs are heard and respected. For those who tend to be shy, passive, or always eager to please, their assertiveness can truly be a life-altering factor. 

1. Learn to say “No” sometimes
Many people struggle to say "no" because they want to please others, even if it inconveniences them. Whether it's agreeing to extra tasks at work or doing favors for friends, it’s easy to feel good about helping. However, it’s equally important to recognize when you need to prioritize yourself. You can always offer your help at a later time when it fits better into your schedule.

2. Start with small actions
If finding your assertive voice feels daunting, start with small actions. For example, imagine you're at a restaurant and your order isn’t quite right, but you hesitate to send it back. Speak up and politely ask for what you ordered. Or maybe a friend always chooses the movie when you hang out, and you usually go along with it. Next time, suggest a movie you'd like to watch instead. These small moments of assertiveness can build your confidence, making it easier to stand up for yourself in more significant situations.

3. Practice assertiveness
Preparation is key when you're facing important conversations. If you’re asking for a raise or addressing a tricky issue, practice beforehand. Roleplay with a friend or partner to anticipate different responses so you’re ready and won’t lose momentum. Writing out your thoughts can also help clarify what you want to say, ensuring you’ll be confident and composed when the moment arrives.

4. Keep your emotions in check
In difficult situations, it’s easy to let negative emotions slip into the conversation. However, staying calm is crucial. Even if the other person becomes reactive, maintain your composure. Getting defensive or angry can turn assertiveness into aggression. By keeping your emotions in check, you can manage the situation without escalating it, and stay focused on your message.

5. Be direct, yet polite
When you express yourself, get straight to the point by using “I” statements, like “I feel” or “I think.” This way, you're sharing your perspective without assuming or accusing the other person of anything.

For example, instead of saying, “You never listen to me.”
Try, “I feel unheard when I’m speaking.”

This approach keeps the conversation respectful and avoids the aggressive tone that can come from starting with “you.” Clear communication ensures your message is understood without room for misinterpretation.


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Mastering assertiveness is a valuable skill that takes dedication and persistence to cultivate. However, the benefits are immensely rewarding. By employing these proven strategies, you can effectively articulate your needs with confidence, leading to the establishment of healthier and more equitable relationships.


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