Mental Health

7 Ways to Deal With Failure And Disappointment

Facing setbacks at work is inevitable, but learning how to handle failure and bounce back stronger is key to long-term success.

By URLife Team
08 Sep 2024

Think back to when life knocked you down—missing out on a big promotion, failing a project, or facing criticism at work. Somehow, you still managed to get back up. How did you do it? Did you let the setback define you, or did you push forward? The fact that you kept going says a lot about your personality and determination. 

Everyone faces failure, even the most successful people. Take these famous examples, Abraham Lincoln failed in business and lost several campaigns before becoming president. Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard before building Microsoft. Albert Einstein didn’t speak until age 4, and teachers told him he wasn’t smart enough. Thomas Edison failed 1,000 times before inventing the light bulb. Yet, he never let setbacks win over him. Edison's story challenges us to reflect on our resilience and not let failure stop us. These stories remind us that failure is a stepping stone to success, not the end of the road.


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Getting back on your feet isn’t easy, but once you find your motivation, you're unstoppable. It’s like hitting that perfect rhythm where everything falls into place, and you're focused on the goal ahead, with support from colleagues or the drive to succeed fueling you. But sometimes, when you stumble, it could be due to a lack of passion, overwhelming stress, or simply losing sight of your purpose. Whatever the reason, the key is to remember—you’ve done it before, and you can rise again.


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7 Ways Mentally Strong People Deal With Failures

A 2024 study published in the American Psychological Association shows that mentally strong people share key traits that help them bounce back from failure. One of the most important is emotional maturity, which enables them to face reality head-on. This self-awareness and ability to stay grounded in tough situations are what makes them resilient, helping them recover and grow from setbacks.

Mentally strong people accept the consequences of their choices and focus on moving forward. While some may be naturally resilient, anyone can strengthen their mental toughness by adopting certain strategies. Here are 7 things mentally strong people do:


1. Practice acceptance: Failures often stem from mistakes, miscalculations, or misdirections. Acknowledge your role in these setbacks and take proactive steps to avoid repeating them. Mentally strong people understand that setbacks, like divorce or job loss, are a natural part of life. Instead of blaming themselves, they accept reality and recognise that "failures" often come with stepping out of their comfort zones to pursue meaningful goals. This acceptance helps them resist self-criticism and stay focused on growth.

2. Reframe setbacks: Mentally strong people approach problems with an open mind and flexibility, avoiding rigid thinking. They use positive, resilient self-talk to navigate challenges. As the late author Wayne Dyer famously said, “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” By shifting their perspective on setbacks, they can create new, empowering narratives, allowing them to see obstacles as opportunities for growth rather than defeat.

3. Leverage the setback for growth: Mentally strong people view setbacks as valuable learning experiences. They ask themselves critical questions like, "What could I have done differently?" and "What did I learn about what works and what doesn’t?" For instance, if you experience a job loss, analysing what led to it—whether it was a lack of skills, poor fit, or other factors—can help you refine your approach in future job searches. Reflecting on a failed project might reveal insights into better time management or communication strategies. This reflective process turns setbacks into powerful tools for personal and professional growth.


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4. Be honest with your feelings: Being in sync with your feelings without suppressing or ignoring them can help deal with disappointment. For example, after a significant personal setback like a breakup or a failed business venture, they allow themselves to feel and process emotions such as sadness, disappointment, or even anger. This might involve talking to a friend, journaling, or seeking professional support. Recognising and accepting these emotions as a normal part of the healing process helps them move forward more effectively. Rather than dwelling on the negative, they use these feelings as a catalyst for understanding themselves better and making positive changes.

5. Stay optimistic: Strong individuals understand that no setback is impossible as long as they keep moving forward. A 2022 study in the research paper International Review of Economics shows that optimism is linked to greater life satisfaction through enhanced self-control and perseverance. For example, Steve Jobs was famously fired from Apple, the very company he co-founded. Despite the setback, he later described it as “the best thing that ever happened” to him. This challenging moment led him to new ventures like NeXT and Pixar, ultimately contributing to his legendary success. 


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6. Release the need for approval: Our desire for others' approval can amplify the impact of small failures, making them seem much larger than they are. It’s crucial to remind yourself that your goals and aspirations are uniquely yours. Rather than stressing over meeting others' expectations, shift your focus to your personal objectives and future plans. By prioritising what truly matters to you, you can easily overcome setbacks and stay motivated.

7. Practise self-compassion: One way to tap into self-compassion is by asking, "What would I say to a good friend going through the same thing?" This simple shift in perspective helps you treat yourself with the same understanding and support you'd offer others. Mindfulness techniques also promote self-compassion by encouraging you to acknowledge your emotions rather than suppress them. 


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Building mental strength isn’t about avoiding challenges; it’s about how you handle them. Whether it’s embracing failure as a learning opportunity, practising self-compassion, or drawing strength from spirituality, mentally strong people turn setbacks into stepping stones. By adopting these strategies, you can develop greater resilience, find meaning in difficult times, and keep moving forward. 

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