Mental Health

Dear URLife: My partner is having an affair

Welcome to our new weekly column where we get experts to answer questions on mental health to sexual well-being. This week, we address a sensitive topic—infidelity. Read on to find out how to cope when your partner is cheating on you.

By URLife Team
11 Jan 2022

Q: I believe my husband is cheating on me and the constant feeling of insecurity is affecting my mental health.


A: Dear Reader, opting for professional help can be important in a situation like this. For any case related to marital discord, we usually advise marital therapy to address all the issues related to disturbed dynamics. A few joint sessions of counselling with your husband may be helpful for you to heal the relationship or take a call on the future of this relationship as per your desire.

Expressing your emotions is key to overcoming difficult or disturbing situations. A mental health expert will be able to arm you with coping tools and mechanisms to express your emotions in a constructive way. So do not hesitate to seek help from a psychotherapist. In cases where the patient may be experiencing depression, medication may also be prescribed by a qualified professional along with therapy. Remember that you should initially focus on overcoming the challenges with counselling rather than relying on medication. Do not lose heart and seek help for coming out of this challenging situation.



Dr. Sandeep Vohra is a senior consultant psychiatrist and psychotherapist, Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, Delhi, and the founder of NWNT, an online mental and emotional well-being platform.


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Self-care for a Broken Heart


Process your emotions: It is important to acknowledge the truth of the situation and accept your feelings instead of suppressing them, but do not make any rash decisions. Take some time to process your emotions and organise your thoughts.


Avoid blaming yourself: Trying to seek revenge does not yield any beneficial results in the long run. Avoid blaming yourself for the situation and pondering too much about the past and what could have been different, as that will hinder any positive progress in the situation. Don't feel pressured into taking any steps you are not comfortable with.


Talk to your partner: Open communication is key for maintaining any relationship, so if possible, have an honest talk with your partner. Depending on the severity of the situation, ensure that you are in a safe environment.


Find your support system: Reach out to people you trust and love, be it friends or family. Since navigating a partner's infidelity takes a toll on both mental and physical health, please remember to prioritise your well-being and take care of yourself—do not neglect your basic health needs such as the necessity for food and sleep.


Focus on yourself: Self-care can involve engaging in activities that bring relaxation and joy, so attempt to focus on things such as meditation, journaling, or any hobbies you like. Seek professional help in order to work through this difficult situation and evaluate the future.


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