Mental Health

URLife Wellness Calendar 2022: February

Wellness is wealth, and a holistic approach involves taking care of all aspects of your well-being, be it mental health, nutrition, or fitness. With that goal in mind, URLife brings you the Wellness Calendar for February, to help you along on your wellness journey.

By URLife Team
01 Feb 2022

1st: Schedule some family yoga time.

2nd: Start the day with a wellness shot.

3rd: Give someone at home, whether a partner or a parent, a hug.

4th: Gift yourself some flowers.

5th: Whip up a calcium-rich meal.

6th: Write down three things you love about your life.

7th: Dance to your favourite playlist.

8th: Check if your family is up-to-date on their immunisation schedule.

9th: Don't let your chores pile up and overwhelm you. Stick to the One-Minute Rule.

10th: Take some time off from social media.

11th: Incorporate a superfood into your meals.

12th: Do an at-home workout.

13th: Arrange a movie night with a loved one.

14th: Plan a DIY couple's spa night at home.

15th: Snack on walnuts to improve your cognitive health.

16th: Follow a night-time skincare routine.

17th: Get some air to take a break from work every once in a while.

18th: Eat an early dinner.

19th: Evaluate your progress with your New Year's resolutions.

20th: Meal prep for the next three days.

21st: Switch out your caffeine drink for floral tea.

22nd: Have at least one fruit rich in Vitamin C.

23rd: Meditate for fifteen minutes.

24th: Take the stairs.

25th: Catch eight hours of sleep.

26th: Make a to-do list for the next day.

27th: Write down one goal to accomplish next month.

28th: Have your meals with your loved ones.


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Wellness Calendar: February


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