
15-Minutes Yoga Practise to Transform Your Day

Relieve stress with a 15-minute yoga routine led by a UR.Life yoga instructor. Boost your energy, enhance your focus, and bring calm to your busy day with this quick yoga practice.

By URLife Team
21 Jun 2024

Long hours at a desk, staring at computer screens, and managing demanding schedules take a toll on both the mind and body. Chronic stress can lead to burnout, while muscle stiffness and eye strain can result in physical discomfort and decreased productivity.

Yoga offers numerous benefits for both the mind and body. It enhances strength and flexibility, reduces stress, and boosts the immune system. Additionally, yoga can alleviate fatigue, improve sleep quality, and invigorate the body and mind, particularly for individuals recovering from medical conditions, including cancer survivors. 

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We spoke to Sindhuja Muppalla, a yoga expert with 7 years of experience and also conducts online classes internationally (USA, Canada, South Africa, Netherlands, Singapore) regarding yoga for people with a sedentary lifestyle. 

She urges people to start their day with this simple 15-minute yoga routine that incorporates essential elements of yoga, such as breathing techniques, movement, and beginner's meditation. The key to experiencing yoga's benefits is to practise regularly and consistently, embracing a mindset free from self-criticism.


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7 Simple Yoga Poses To Relieve Stress

These poses, when practised regularly, can improve physical strength, flexibility, and mental clarity. Always remember to perform yoga under the guidance of a qualified instructor, especially when trying new poses.

1. Bitilasana (Cow Pose)

  • Start on all fours with wrists directly under shoulders and knees under hips.
  • Inhale and lift your sit bones and chest toward the ceiling, allowing your belly to sink toward the floor.
  • Lift your head to look straight ahead.

Benefits: Stretches the front torso and neck. Provides a gentle massage to the spine and belly organs. Helps to alleviate tension in the spine and improve posture.


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2. Marjaryasana (Cat Pose)

  • From the all-fours position, exhale and round your spine toward the ceiling.
  • Draw your belly to your spine and tuck your chin to your chest.

Benefits: Stretches the back torso and neck. Provides a gentle massage to the spine and belly organs. Increases flexibility of the spine and improves posture.


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3. Upward-facing Dog / Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

  • Lie face down with your legs extended straight back and the tops of your feet on the floor.
  • Place your hands under your shoulders.
  • Press firmly into your hands to straighten your arms and lift your torso and legs a few inches off the floor.
  • Open your chest and press the tops of your feet into the mat.

Benefits: Stretches the chest, shoulders, and abdomen. Strengthens the arms, wrists, and spine. Helps improve posture and stimulate the abdominal organs.


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4. Downward Facing Dog / Adho Mukha Svanasana

  • Start on all fours with wrists under shoulders and knees under hips.
  • Spread your fingers wide and press firmly into the mat.
  • Tuck your toes and lift your hips towards the ceiling.
  • Straighten your legs as much as possible, creating an inverted V shape with your body.
  • Press your heels towards the floor and relax your head between your arms.

Benefits: Stretches the hamstrings, calves, and shoulders. Strengthens the arms, legs, and core. Calms the mind and relieves stress. Improves circulation and energises the body.


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5. Warrior 2 Pose / Virabhadrasana 2

  • Stand with your feet about 4 feet apart.
  • Turn your right foot out 90 degrees and your left foot in slightly.
  • Extend your arms out to the sides at shoulder height.
  • Bend your right knee over your right ankle, keeping your thigh parallel to the floor.
  • Gaze over your right hand.

Benefits: Strengthens the legs, ankles, and arms. Stretches the groins, chest, and shoulders. Increases stamina and endurance. Improves balance and concentration.


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6. Triangle Pose / Trikonasana

  • Stand with your feet about 4 feet apart.
  • Turn your right foot out 90 degrees and your left foot in slightly.
  • Extend your arms out to the sides at shoulder height.
  • Reach your right hand forward and then tilt your torso, bringing your right hand to your shin, ankle, or the floor.
  • Extend your left arm toward the ceiling and gaze at your left hand.

Benefits: Stretches the legs, groins, hips, shoulders, chest, and spine. Strengthens the legs, knees, and ankles. Stimulates the abdominal organs. Helps relieve stress and improve digestion.


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7. Pigeon Pose / Kapotasana

  • Start in Downward Facing Dog.
  • Bring your right knee forward and place it behind your right wrist with your right ankle near your left wrist.
  • Slide your left leg back and lower your hips toward the floor.
  • Square your hips toward the front of the mat.
  • Lengthen your spine and either stay upright or fold forward over your right leg.

Benefits: Stretches the thighs, groins, and back. Opens the hips and releases tension. Helps to alleviate sciatic pain and lower back discomfort. Enhances flexibility in the hip region.

Incorporating yoga into your daily routine can offer a powerful solution to these common issues. Yoga not only helps in reducing stress by promoting relaxation and mental clarity but also alleviates muscle stiffness through stretching and strengthening exercises. Additionally, specific yoga practices can relieve eye strain, improving focus and overall eye health. Join 4 weeks of yoga program, Tree of Life in UR.Life


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