Mental Health

Finding Your Anchor Within with Leena Gupta

Leena Gupta’s debut novel, Anchor Within, explores how to navigate a society filled with judgment without compromising on our inner peace. Keep reading to find out more.

By URLife Team
18 Mar 2025

In a world that constantly demands external validation, achievement, and material success, we often lose touch with our inner selves. Transformational life coach and wellness expert, Leena Gupta’s book Anchor Within serves as a much-needed guide to reclaiming our inner peace, resilience, and self-worth. Through a combination of ancient wisdom and modern-day practical tools, Gupta provides readers with the skills they need to navigate life’s uncertainties and challenges while staying anchored in their essence.

Leena Gupta’s journey toward self-discovery and empowerment has been shaped by her 22+ years of experiences, observations, and spiritual growth. She realised that while we are taught various academic and professional skills in school, we rarely learn the essential life skills that help us anchor within and build emotional and mental resilience. Without this foundation, we often struggle with stress, anxiety, self-doubt, and a never-ending quest for external approval.

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We spoke to Leena Gupta about her upcoming book, what it means to discover yourself, and more below. 


What is The Assumption Trap?

Our minds are conditioned to make assumptions based on past experiences, biases, and societal conditioning. This often leads to misunderstandings, conflicts, and lost opportunities. So what can you do in such situations? Leena suggests that it’s time to be more present and be aware of your thought patterns. Verify facts before you form judgements. Not only will you have a clearer perspective on reality, but it’s also a great foundation for healthy relationships.


How Do I Deal with Change and Uncertainty?

Change is inevitable, yet many of us resist it, leading to stress and anxiety. But Leena’s experiences show everyone that even though external circumstances are constantly evolving, the inner essence remains unchanged. By enhancing our energy levels and awareness, we can develop the resilience needed to embrace change rather than fear it.


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Am I Good Enough?

From childhood, we are conditioned to seek validation from others, leading to deep-seated self-doubt. Societal industries profit from our insecurities, making us feel like we are never enough. But when there’s a will, there’s always a way.
Reconnect with your inherent worth and recognise yourself as a divine creation. When we shift our focus inward, we discover that we are more than enough just as we are.


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Why Am I So Indecisive?

Indecision stems from stress, low energy levels, and a mind trapped in past regrets or future worries. When we oscillate between the past and future, we deplete our energy, making decision-making difficult.
Indecision impacts your present and sends ripples into your future too. You have to be present and maintain your energy level so you can make choices. Have clarity about your situation and those around you so you feel confident when you’re making a decision. It might be challenging at first, but as you start making more and more decisions for yourself, you’ll be more comfortable with them as well.


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How Can I Get Rid of Obstacles?

Often, the biggest obstacle in our lives is ourselves. Negative self-talk, fear of failure, and unwillingness to seek help keep us from reaching our full potential. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t get over it. Harness the power of meditation and self-reflection. Shift your focus from external judgement to inner fulfilment so you can move past your self-imposed barriers.
Through Anchor Within, Leena Gupta extends an invitation to embark on a journey of self-discovery, inner healing, and empowerment. Stop seeking external rescue, release unhealthy patterns, trust your intuition, and embrace your higher purpose.

In an era where external pressures often pull us away from our true selves, Anchor Within serves as a compass, guiding us back home—to the peace, strength, and wisdom that reside within.

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